Admission criteria
Required qualification
Applicants with at least one of the following academic qualifications are eligible for selection, without age or nationality restrictions:
- Master or Specialised degree;
- Degree from the previous system;
- Similar academic qualification obtained abroad, recognised as equivalent to the above-mentioned second-level academic qualifications, for the sole purpose of participation in the competition for admission to the doctorate.
- Undergraduates may also apply for admission to the selection, with the obligation to obtain their degree by the registration deadline, i.e. by 31.10.2023.
Call for admission
Titles Evaluation: up to 40 points with a minimum of 20 points for admission to the Oral Test
ORAL TEST: fino a 80 punti
Minimum score for IDONITY: 70/120
Foreign language: ENGLISH
Knowledge of this language will be tested orally and will consist of a discussion of the research project presented in English.
Obligatory documents for submitting the online application
- ATTACHMENT A of the Form (art.5 of competition notice)
- Identity document: Scan of a valid photo identification document
- Curriculum Vitae et studiorum: No specific format required (art.4 of competition notice)
- Dissertation Abstract: Abstract of the dissertation and complete dissertation in pdf format or, for undergraduates, draft dissertation approved by the supervisor
- Accademic Titles: Certificates concerning the award of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, the examinations taken, the grades obtained and the final grade (art.4 of competition notice)
- Research Projects: Drafted in English, 3 pages, single spaced and Times New Roman 12 including bibliography, it should be on an original research topic (inedito, non pubblicato, sviluppato personalmente dal candidato. Si segnala che la Commissione Giudicatrice potrà avvalersi di strumenti informatici utili alla verifica dell'originalità del Progetto presentato) and be structured as follows: introduction of the issue in the scientific context, relevance of the problem, objectives, methodology and expected results.
*The Research Project does not constitute a constraint on the subsequent choice of doctoral research topic, which will be assigned by the Board of Lecturers.
Only titles written in Italian or English will be considered valid and assessed by the Selection Committee
- Statement of Research interest: Testo breve - max n. 1 pagina - in lingua inglese, volto ad illustrare le motivazioni del candidato a frequentare il corso di dottorato e la descrizione dei suoi specifici interessi di ricerca
- Scientific publications: Articoli su riviste nazionali e internazionali con sistemi di peer reviewing, paper o abstracts presentati nell'ambito di convegni o simposi, capitoli di libri
- Other Accademic Titles: University Master's degree of 1st or 2nd level obtained in Italy, Advanced training courses and/or Graduate Schools and/or Schools of Advanced Studies, in subjects related to the research focus of the PhD course
- Other experiences (training, work, research, teaching, etc):
▫ Scientific research (including holding research grants and participating in research projects)
▫ Work activity
▫ Professional training
▫ Training and orientation traineeship
▫ Certificates of knowledge of foreign languages
▫ Stays abroad for study activities (Erasmus or similar)
▫ Other qualifications attesting to the candidate's education and skills (scholarships, awards, etc.)